< 北米

Altamira, Mexico

We continuously strive for safety, health and environmental (SH&E) excellence, as well as the sustainable development of the community in which we operate.

Altamira, Mexico plant

Our plant has been in operation since 1976 and a part of Cabot since 2013. Our facility features three manufacturing units, two of which are used to produce reinforcing carbon blacks and one for semi-reinforcing products. Our team consists of approximately 140 employees who primarily serve customers in Mexico.

Clean Industry

Clean Industry Certificate

Recently, we achieved a significant milestone at our carbon black facility. We were awarded the highest level 2 “Clean Industry” certification by the Federal Environmental Protection Entity (PROFEPA). Within the industrial zone of Altamira, we are one of only three chemical companies that have achieved this level of recognition.

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This esteemed certification is a testament to our rigorous adherence to local and federal environmental regulations in Mexico. It underscores our dedication to practices that protect land, water, energy and natural resources while managing emergencies, noise, waste and environmental risks effectively. 

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Employees celebrate Global Safety Day

Safety First

The safety of our employees, contractors, visitors and neighbors is always our top priority. Every year we celebrate Global Safety Day, an annual company-wide celebration to re-focus our efforts on proactive safety measures and strengthen our commitment to the “Drive to Zero” initiative.

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It is a special day filled with interactive activities such as videos, games and theatrical presentations to stimulate discussion about on-the-job safety awareness.

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